
UX, Design and Product Development Services


Internal web portal for Nissan Auto distributors to share marketing and customer insights.
Project Brief: 

I worked with Nissan France to design and develop an internal web portal for Nissan Auto distributors to share marketing and customer insights. The objective was to help Nissan leverage data and research to sell more cars to their diverse customers.

As the lead designer and developer, I was part of the team as we worked with stakeholders on initial UX research, UI design and feature priorization. I then lead a 6-month development sprint resulting in a multilingual webportal of content, videos and chat servicing thousands of Nissan employees.

My roles and responsibility included:

  • Lead Developer
  • UX Designer

Some of the deliverables included:

  • UX and UI Designs
  • Internal Stakeholder Strategy Report
  • Integration into Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Server Setup and Deployment